Sunday, September 15, 2024

Wiggly Worm Trail


There are many trails in life. Some we choose of our own volition while others we discover by fortunate circumstance or its opposite. I selected two trails this week that I had not tried before from the All Trails app. First, although no one told me to go there, I nevertheless went to Hell's Half Acre Loop Northbound trail and took my bride with me. It was an easy, paved trail that we walked twice and which featured this kind of scenery:

I don't know what this plant is called, but it has a smell that makes me think of honey.

Saturday, we drove out to the Wiggly Worm trail. The thing about the drive to it was that the map and directions took us to a point where we made a left turn and I was supposed to then make another left turn immediately. I didn't suspect the second left turn direction until forty or fifty feet beyond the turning point when the left turn at 0 feet notice disappeared and the view was blocked, so I couldn't see the trail head. Instead of indicating that my destination was fifty feet to the rear, the directions sent me on a three mile loop to return to the spot where I hadn't turned left. Hardly the best use of time and gas.

The trail was a pleasant foot path for the entire climb and weaving back and forth about 48 times to gradually climb up the bowl-like hillside. At one end, junipers offered some shade, but the rest of the trail was in full sun. Each trck across the face of the hill was nearly level with the turns at each end bringing most of the elevation change. The trail hit a dirt road at the top which formed the return part of the loop. The rough and dusty road didn't provide as nearly a pleasant experience as the narrow foot path. My wife got some pictures but she didn't send me any that didn't have one of both of us in them, so I won't post any of those.

The trails were two great hikes. The sidewalk through the lave field was easy going with a couple steep stairways. The Wiggly Worm was easy to moderate and provided a nice view of Pocatello and the surrounding area for miles beyond.

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