Sunday, May 26, 2024

Amanda Muratoff

 Interview with Amanda Muratoff

Author of The Pantracia Chronicles

 Please tell me a little about your current work in progress.

We are currently working on Book 12 in the Pantracia Chronicles! It is the second book in the final trilogy of the main series, setting us up for the finale in book 13. Things are definitely ramping up in these last two books,

Where did you get the idea for this book or series?

We get inspiration from everywhere! Though most of it for this series comes from our original tellings of these stories, which happened 10-15 years ago, depending on which character. They’ve existed for so long. We started Pantracia by doing text-based role playing when we were teens, and while the characters have evolved a TON over the years, their inspiration remains true to our original vision.

Do you write in more than one genre?

Published, no. But I also write YA second world fantasy and have one project on the go in that genre. Maybe one day I’ll hit the publish button. We’ll see. :)

Tell me about something that you believe makes your writing unique or worthy of attention.

I think a lot of why this series is unique and worthy of attention is how long it’s been in the making. The world and character development has occurred over the last twenty years, creating a depth to the stories that is very difficult to achieve in a shorter amount of time. Also, that we write these books as cowriters, “controlling” different characters, gives their interactions and dialogue a much more authentic feel, since we never know what the other is going to write, so the interactions and conversations are as real as they come.

Is there anything about your personal history or personality that manifests strongly in your writing?

Oh, definitely. I’m very independent… and some (my parents) may even say “too” independent, and that tends to rub off on my characters. Particularly the female ones. I believe in strong women who can go toe to toe with men in conversation, battle, you name it, so that’s what I write. I also have a love for friesian horses, thus Amarie’s chosen friesian, Viento. I also enjoy making people laugh, and inserting humour into the books - sometimes in unexpected places - gives me great joy.

What else would be helpful for readers to know about you?

I LOVE talking about the books. The characters. The world. I love talking to readers, hearing from them, about what parts made them laugh or cry.

Excluding your own work, what underrated author or book would you recommend that more people read? Why?

Vela Roth has some really cool books. Definitely work checking out.

Which of your books do you most highly recommend? Why?

Well, I mean, I obviously recommend starting the series at book 1. But my favourite to go back and read myself is Book 6, Heart of the Wolf. I also recommend the prequel, it’s free to download from our website and gives a good idea of our writing style and how the stories flow.

Which break, event, decision, or fortuitous circumstance has helped you or your writing career the most?

I left my career in VFX while pregnant with my son, and at the same time, I started writing and publishing with my coauthor. The ability to write from home while being a mom has been great and my husband is super supportive.

What question do you wish you would get asked more often?

I wish I got asked more about the actual characters. Who is the most stubborn, or who would have the biggest sweet tooth. They are like people to me, so when readers treat them similarly, it makes me so happy.

Do you have a catch-phrase or quote that you like? What is it? And why do you choose it?

One of my favourite phrases from the books is “Together, we rise.” It comes into play in books 6 and 7, and I think the sentiment is powerful. That we can accomplish greater good if we work together.


Thanks to Amanda for participating.

In the bugmageddon novella, the Browning .50 caliber is mounted and loaded. The heroes are in sight of their goal. The chitin and hemolymph legions threaten to destroy humanity's only shot at freedom, and the Power Wagon and motorcycle fellowship may not have enough bullets to stop them.


  1. One can never have enough ammo.

  2. It's a target-rich environment. No one will wish they hadn't brought so many bullets.
