Sunday, May 19, 2024

About Time



 My, my, my, look at the time. It's that time of the week again. A blank blog whispers for attention. Time is slip sliding away, and slipping, slipping, slipping into the future. Who invented time? Was it a conspiracy by clock makers to sell their previously worthless wares? When did time start? Will it end? Could we have measured time in a different manner than seconds, minutes, hours, and days? Is it true that the first sun dial was actually a wrong number? 

These may not burning questions. Although, that could be a unit of measurement--the time it takes for on object of a particular size, shape, and weight to burn could be 1 burn. That could be useful. It's visual. In fact, I believe candles have been used to mark the passage of time, which is useful at night when the power is out for the sun dial--but that still doesn't answer the question, "Does anyone really know what time it is?"

Time flies--which may explain the delays at the airports. Time waits for no man--but it's been known to loiter for a lady. Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once--but how long would that take? If time didn't exist, would patience still be a virtue?


In case I forgot, here's an interview featuring me.

On the writing front, the latest novel proceeds. I hope to finish in a week. I continue to add details to my upcoming presentation on forging unforgettable stories. It has been a helpful exercise. When I get a feeling that something isn't right with some section of writing or character, I can ask questions based on material in the presentation to arrive at the precise nature of the shortcoming. In fact, I don't have to ask questions; I read it and realize what's absent in the literary alchemy.

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