Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Compromise compromised

 "Few things are certain in this life, however shrewdly a man may plan." -- Raphael Sabatini -- The Black Swan

Fun Fact:

Back to 1850 and the Great American Compromise. The matter of Texas in Clay's Omnibus bill was tentatively resolved by the Dawson Proviso, an amendment stipulating that New Mexico would not be allowed to exercise any authority east of the Rio Grande until the boundary commission had drawn a line that satisfied both Congress and the Texas Legislature. In other words, Texas had veto power over the boundary issue. Naturally, this brought Texas in to support the Omnibus. However, Stephen Douglas and others saw that Texas, having a de facto border established at the Rio Grande by the proviso, would never agree to anything less. 

James A. Pearce of Maryland moved to strike the entire Texas and New Mexico section of the Omnibus and reinsert it without the Dawson Proviso, as an unreasonable capitulation to Texas. Henry Clay saw all his hard work would be undone by Pearce. Clay and his friends tried to dissuade him from the maneuver, but Peace carried on. David Yulee seized the occasion for a maneuver of his own, asking if Pearce would consent to allow them to vote separately on the deletion and reinsertion provisions. When Pearce agreed, they voted for the deletion, but before the reinsertion vote, Yulee made a motion to delete everything still in it that related to Texas. His motion passed. With Texas unsatisfied, the Omnibus was critically wounded and leaking blood in shark infested waters. The predators moved to strike the portions relating to New Mexico, and then to California--each passing and leaving the Omnibus a hollow shell, with Utah remaining as the lone passenger. That issue was voted on and passed a few days later with little opposition. 

Defeated, Clay left Washington. Would anyone step up to fill the gap?

The above is summarized from Chapter 23 of Fergus Bordewich's America's Great Debate: Henry Clay, Stephen Douglas and the Compromise that Preserved the Union.


 Check out my new book page with also includes magazines and anthologies featuring my short stories. Two more will be added soon.

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