Sunday, July 21, 2024

Quest for Cool


I wasn't in Miami when I took that photo; Don Ameche and Betty Grable were no where in sight. I've never seen the movie, but I plan to do so.

Spent my first week in Byzantium. Is the incumbent's withdrawal from the race inexplicably tied to my change of residence? It doesn't seem likely as he probably isn't aware of either circumstance. The real adventure here was the quest for cool. I know what you're thinking: Aren't I the High Prince of Cool? (what with Dean Martin being the King of Cool). You're not wrong. Nevertheless, we discovered that the new digs can best be described as an oven stuck on broil. After multiple sweaty and sleepless nights, we determined to bag a window unit.

A questing we did go to the land of Octsoc where the AC herds are known to roam. We stalked the aisles in camouflage specially designed to blend in with wandering denizens of the place, yet the quarry eluded us. We at last learned that the big herds that once darkened the aisles with their passing had been hunted to extinction. However, there remained a few great monsters of a related species gathered in a formidable pack upon the plain. I wasn't sure that my wallet was of sufficient caliber to bring down one of the beasts, but after carefully examining the ammunition on hand and sneaking in close to examine the prey in every respect allowed, I pulled the trigger. The monster nearly crushed me with its bulk, but I succeeded it dragging it through the ranger station checkpoint to hoist it into the transport. Upon our return, we lugged the beast up the stairs and proceeded to remove the boxy skin and disembowel the interior packages for assembly. 

Our pool of cool rolls from room to room on wheels of rigid steel plastic. It joins us in the bedroom at night and inhabits the living room by day, its chilling breath invigorating all in the vicinity.

Finally, the wyrd western short story is complete. Although the stars in their courses and the hand of man combined against giving me time to finish it, I managed to write the ending on Saturday--chiseling the final touches of the climactic clash and sanding down the denouement. Time also allowed me to review and edit another short story that I may submit elsewhere. I'll write at least one more short before I turn to a novella in the Tomahawks and Dragon Fire series to catch up on the adventure of Rip and Antonio in search of the stolen prize with Johnny Coyne and Catalina.

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